When sending out your email and text messages, we normally use fresh IP addresses and Texting Numbers. Initially, it may sound great to send out millions and blast the world ... that is a bit of fantasy. Why?

The fastest way to get your message blocked is to appear to be sending mass spam. To get around that filter, we first send small volumes or email and text, and gradually build up to unlimited volume. So initially, you may not see great results ... because we are sending slowly and gradually building up.

An example schedule of sending may look like this - if we are using fresh IP's and emails and texts (applies for email and SMS):

For 1st day: Select: SMTP and SMS-Daily Limit-500 to send 500 email or texts daily
For 2nd day: Select: SMTP and SMS-Daily Limit-700 to send 700 email or texts daily
For 3rd day: Select: SMTP and SMS-Daily Limit-1000 to send 1000 email or texts daily
For 4th day: Select: SMTP and SMS-Daily Limit-1300 to send 1300 email or texts daily
For 5th day: Select: SMTP and SMS-Daily Limit-2000 to send 2000 email or texts daily
For 6th day: Select: SMTP and SMS-Daily Limit-2500 to send 2500 email or texts daily
For 7th day: Select: SMTP and SMS-Daily Limit-3500 to send 3500 email or texts daily
For 8th day: Select: SMTP and SMS-Daily Limit-5000 to send 5000 email or texts daily
For 9th day: Select: SMTP and SMS-Daily Limit-7000 to send 7000 email or texts daily
For 10th day: Select: SMTP and SMS-Daily Limit-10000 to send 10000 email or texts daily
For 11th day: Select: SMTP and SMS-Daily Limit-15000 to send 15000 email or texts daily
For 12th day: Select: SMTP and SMS-Daily Limit-20000 to send 20000 email or texts daily
For 13th day: Select: SMTP and SMS-Daily Limit-25000 to send 25000 email or texts daily
For 14th day: Select: SMTP and SMS-Daily Limit-40000 to send 40000 email or texts daily
For 15th day: Select: SMTP and SMS-Daily Limit-55000 to send 550000 email or texts daily

From 16th day: Select: SMTP and SMS-Unlimited to send Unlimited email or texts daily

This has proven the best way for a long term and successful campaign!